Grumpy Old Gits Whizzer Toy - Instructions for assembly & use ------------------------------------------------------------- Parts List:- 1 x 10cm disk, 1 metre string, 2 x wooden handles, 2 x soft plastic tubes ---------- Assembly - N.B. IF YOU WISH TO DECORATE THE WHIZZER, DO THIS BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY -------- 1. Insert a soft plastic tube into each of the 2 holes near the centre of the disk (snug fit) 2. Thread the string through the tubes to get a loop on one side of the disk & 2 loose ends on the other side 3. Tie the 2 loose ends together with a firm reef knot close to the ends of the string (say 3mm) 4. Stretch the loop of string between your hands, with the reef knot at one end (in your hand) 5. Attach one handle at the same end as the reef knot, preferably with a clove hitch (or slip knot) 6. Stretch the loop again & attach second handle at the other end, prefereably with a clove hitch 7. IMPORTANT – pull apart hard on handles & adjust at one end, so both strings are exactly equal length How to Adjust & Use ------------------- 1. Hold both handles together in one hand, with the disk hanging down - adjust disk on string so it hangs upright. 2. Take one handle in each hand, keep your hands level and pull them apart so the disk hangs just below them 3. Move your hands to spin the disk (like a skipping rope) for at least 20 turns (call this forwards) 4. Now pull your hands firmly apart, and the disk should start to spin backwards 5. The disk should start to wind up the strings in the backwards direction 6. Relax your pull on the handles to allow the disk to do this 7. When the disk slows down, pull the handles firmly apart again 8. The disk should wind up the strings again in the forwards direction 9. When the disk slows down, pull the handles firmly apart again 10. Repeat steps 5 - 9 and enjoy the exercise! If you pull & release the right amount, at the right time, the disk will speed up and make an audible "whizz" sound each time you pull. TIPS AND ADVICE --------------- 1. If the disk refuses to spin smoothly, and wobbles a lot, then the 2 strands of string are probably not exactly equal. Loosen off one of the handle knots, pull the handles apart to equalise, then go back to step 3 of "How to use" 2. The cotton string will eventually fray and break, simply replace with 1 metre of string of the same thickness (1mm) 3. When the disk moves fast enough to "Whizz" take care it does not touch your skin or anybody else's - as it will hurt! You can decorate your disk with felt tip pens, crayons or stickers – see the colours mix & change as the disk moves If you have any comments or questions, please use the “Contact Us” page on our website