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Bristol: September2007
What a Weekend !!!!!!

Thanks Kelvin you certainly know how to make a kite

Keith has to give Kelvin a big man-hug

Apologies for grainy picture below, only Kelvin wanted to let out all the line
and it was getting dark - It was worth it though, does she pull!
we should be able to lift alsorts with her. Look out Teddies !!!!

Keith's new Purple Kelvin Cody
My Purple Kelvin Cody. Thanks Kelvin, I will Look after it.

Thanks again Kelvin for offering to cook dinner.
You really have a passion for cooking.

Kelvin fondles his veg

Where did Lee Evans come from?
its a Lee Evans look-alike

The Kites were up early
kites up!

Another Octopus goes up
another octopus takes to the air

Debbie, What a sexy Kite!
Debbie Harry sexy kite

Kelvin, What a poser!
Kelvin is a poser

In a tangle again, I wonder who?
somebody's in a tangle
that looks like Dicky in his little green tent in the background!

"Two Young Men @ Bristol". Ray Oakhill with Phil Scarfe - happy after a few beers!

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